CentOS 6.6 and MySQL 5.6

By default, CentOS 6.6 will come with MySQL 5.1 packages. After MySQL upgrade to version 5.6, some old good working SQL inserts start to cause errors. The error message was “data too long” which was a bit strange.

PHP mcrypt on CentOS 6

PHP on CentOS 6.6 didn’t have support for mcrypt_get_block_size() function. When something like that happen, next step is to use yum and try to install needed packages. Unfortunately, with default RPM repositories it was not possible and the solution was to add Remi and EPEL repositories.

Change GRUB timeout on Fedora 20 with UEFI

After migration to Fedora 20 with UEFI (instead of BIOS), making GRUB changes was totally ignored. The problem was with definition of output generated GRUB config file. UEFI system reads settings from new location and that is described in second step.

Downgrade OpenCV library on Fedora 18

Fedora 18 and OpenCV version 2.4.3 is not the brightest combination. After upgrading from FC17, python script has stopped working with displayed “SURF missing” error. I decided to downgrade OpenCV to 2.3.1 until this library problem will be resolved. Downgrade process is a little tricky, but finally my python code started to work on FC18 the same as it worked on FC17.

Fedora Core 18 NetInstall from USB stick

Post describes Fedora Core 18 installation on an old PC with no CDROM and no USB boot option in BIOS. Fortunately, PC had dual boot (Fedora 13 and Windows XP), so existing GRUB was reused to start installation. The solution was to copy netinst.iso image to the USB device and to load new kernel and initial ramdisk from it.

Fedora – grub Error 15

In my case, “Error 15” occurred right after Fedora installation. It seems that I didn’t check somewhere during installation to write GRUB to the /dev/sda disk. After first reboot (while finishing Fedora installation), GRUB displayed “Error 15” message and booting was stopped.

How to install mplayer in Fedora Core 18

Mplayer Installation procedure is the same as is in my post “How to install mplayer in Fedora Core 12” but with some tweaks at the end. It seems that RPM Fusion repository didn’t create needed symbolic links in /etc/pki/rpm-gpg directory. After symbolic link was created manually, mplayer / vlc installation has been finished successfully.

Adding shared windows printer to the Fedora Core 17

Post explains problem and solution how to add shared windows printer to the Fedora Core 17 Linux. The whole point was in missing samba-client rpm. Solution is simple but it was not so obvious from error log or displayed message in popup.

How to create FAT32 USB drive on Linux

In short, steps to create USB drive on Linux are: delete all, create partition, set partition type, mark it as active and write changes to disk. After new partition is created, with mkfs command it’s needed to create FAT32 file system. This may sound scary, but the only tricky part is to use correct device name (in my case it was sdg).

SD card image for Android emulator

With mksdcard tool (that comes in Android SDK) it’s possible to create a blank FAT32 image. After image is created it can be attached and used in emulator. Empty SD is not so useful so here will be shown several ways how to copy content to the SD image.

Android emulator on Fedora Linux

If your Linux is x86_64 system then is likely that sound in Android emulator will not work out of the box. Tools in Android SDK are 32-bit so Linux should have i686 libraries installed to enable fully functioning of SDK tools. If you get missing libraries error and the warning “opening audio output failed” right after starting emulator then this post will be helpful for you.