Backup Linux server with PHP

You can find a lot of backup solutions for Linux server. From expensive and multi platform software like NetBackup to simple BASH scripts. As a Linux (LAMP) administrator, I decided to write my own backup script in PHP. I wanted to backup important locations like Web root, crontabs, /etc, /root and copy MySQL dump files.

Categories PHP

Enable Java applets in Firefox on Linux

You can very easy enable Java applets in FireFox on Linux. In my case, I use Fedora Core 10 and FireFox version 3. Here are steps how to enable Java applets in FireFox …

The rpm command

rpm is a powerful Package Manager, which can be used to build, install, query, verify, update, and erase individual software packages. This is the first sentence in the long rpm manual that lacks examples. On the other hand, I will try to write nothing more but the rpm examples.

The find command

The “find” command is very useful. It can search the entire file system for one or more files that you specify to look for. With the “find” command, not only are you able to locate files, but you can also perform actions on the files it finds like move, delete, rename …

How to find files in Linux

Files in Linux can be searched with “find” and “locate” command. “Find” exists very long, while “locate” is a new Linux feature. The main difference between them is the way they work – “locate” uses database to search files, while “find” searches for files in a directory hierarchy.

Tmpwatch – recursively delete files

If you are a Linux administrator, then you certainly need tool to delete old files – especially old backup files or /tmp directory. Here comes tmpwatch. With parameter time and path, tmpwatch will recursively delete all files older then a given time. But if you use NetBackup, then you might have a problem with deleting files.

Fedora VPN client and routing

This post is second part of “Configuring VPN client”. After completion steps in previous post, VPN will work with starting pppd and manually adding route. With a few PHP lines and configuration of ip-up.local file, VPN connection can be automated and reduced to only one script.

Yum install mplayer in Fedora

After upgrade to the Fedora Core 10 and Fedora Core 12, I was surprised when ‘yum install mplayer’ didn’t find any package. I’m sure yum worked in Fedora Core 9 with installed Livna repository. I checked my Livna configuration once again, but there was no luck with mplayer. Something has definitely changed in the meantime.

Configuring VPN client

In this post you can read how to configure the VPN client in Fedora Core 10. I tried to configure VPN client in NetworkManager, but there was no success. I turned off NetworkManager with chkconfig and uncheck Controlled by NetworkManager in system-config-network. In my case, VPN server is on Microsoft platform, so my domain name must precede the user name.

Linux upgrade in a few hours

If your work is organized in a way to have all documents inside /home partition and e-mails on remote server then you have qualities for easy upgrade to the new Linux desktop. Easy upgrade means to have a fully functional Linux desktop in a few hours. Is it installation or upgrade? Well, technically I will write about installation, but it will look like an upgrade.

LAMP setup: Make it faster

Popularity means more traffic or we can say more requests per second. Did you ever measure how many requests per second your Web server can handle and how to improve it? This article should give the answer and show how to increase quickness of Web applications like WordPress, phpBB, Joomla …