HTC Desire HD / AAHK output

This post shows complete output from the AAHK kit during HTC Desire HD hack. DHD was firstly downgraded to the Android 2.3.3 version and then rooted. If you are interested in steps and additional info, please go to my previous post “How to Root the HTC Desire HD”.

How to Root the HTC Desire HD

This instructions are written primarily for hacking HTC Desire HD from the Linux 32bit (utilities in AAHK kit: adb and Fastboot are 32-bit). I didn’t want to clean Windows7 like disabling virus scanner, uninstall Droid Explorer or other smartphone, PDA or tablet software. Boot from the Live Linux CD is the most easier method and has the best chance for success.

Android email and Postfix with authorization

I have been unable to send a company email from my HTC Android. The solution was to install and configure own outgoing mail server instead of using mobile providers servers. Now I can send an email quickly and easily, using whatever Internet connection is available – home, work, friends wireless connection, wireless hotspot or 3G dongle.