Backup Linux server with PHP

You can find a lot of backup solutions for Linux server. From expensive and multi platform software like NetBackup to simple BASH scripts. As a Linux (LAMP) administrator, I decided to write my own backup script in PHP. I wanted to backup important locations like Web root, crontabs, /etc, /root and copy MySQL dump files.

Categories PHP

LAMP setup: Make it faster

Popularity means more traffic or we can say more requests per second. Did you ever measure how many requests per second your Web server can handle and how to improve it? This article should give the answer and show how to increase quickness of Web applications like WordPress, phpBB, Joomla …

LAMP setup: Apache and PHP

After finishing all tasks from the previous article LAMP setup, now is time to move on. LAMP server is secured and waiting for Apache and PHP configuration.

LAMP setup: Beginning

How to install and configure Linux as a Web server? What are the main steps to go? This post should cover the main configuration steps of LAMP – Linux Apache MySQL PHP server.